Apex Rbx2

Apex Rbx2

Apex Rbx2 is known to bring an uplifted mindset with mellowing body effects, and often that classic “stony” laughter. Patients have reported this cultivar to provide a clear, but powerful punch, that emerges with strong flavors of candied lemons,...


While the genetics of AK47 typically produce a strong Sativa leaning hybrid, the phenotype we carefully selected, based on overall appearance, aroma, and desired effect, has traditionally Indica leaning effects, with subtleties of a classic sativa. Patients have...
Ace’s “3 of a Kind” – Blue Dream

Ace’s “3 of a Kind” – Blue Dream

3 half gram pre-rolls for $21! Wicked Fine Flower! Affordably priced and high quality. Ace Weidman’s is a working person’s weed. Inspired by the success of 90+ wine cellars, Ace Weidman’s is a blend of high quality flower derived from pop-corn buds...
Ace Weidman’s 1g Pre-roll 5-pack – Blue Dream

Ace Weidman’s 1g Pre-roll 5-pack – Blue Dream

Wicked Fine Flower! Affordably priced and high quality. Ace Weidman’s is a working person’s weed. Inspired by the success of 90+ wine cellars, Ace Weidman’s is a blend of high quality flower derived from pop-corn buds that are not quite big enough to...
Ace Weidman’s 1g Pre-roll 5-pack – House Blend

Ace Weidman’s 1g Pre-roll 5-pack – House Blend

Wicked Fine Flower! Affordably priced and high quality. Ace Weidman’s is a working person’s weed. Inspired by the success of 90+ wine cellars, Ace Weidman’s is a blend of high quality flower derived from pop-corn buds that are not quite big enough to...